Monday, March 2, 2015


Why am I in Beijing this week, you ask? I'm teamed up with a co-worker. Our job is to evaluate instructor candidates. As you might imagine, the language barrier can be a bit of a challenge, but that's how I approach it - it's a challenge.

That's "challenge" as in "good", not "challenge" as in "bad".

I've taken it upon myself to learn some Chinese Simplified characters. But as you can see from my notes below, I've been teaching myself a very small subset of Chinese Simplified... Let's call it "vChinese".

(Click to enlarge)

Why did I write "long" as the character for "hypervisor"? I've been transcribing the characters from slides that the instructor candidates are projecting onto a screen. Unlike me, they don't hang out on a slide blabbing on and on for 20+ minutes. I don't want to bust their groove and say, "Hey can you go back a slide? I'm not done clumsily transcribing yet."

For the record, "hypervisor" is 虚拟化 管理程序. Let's see you try to transcribe that on the fly.

Here for your edification – that's just a fancy word for "Brian I can barely read your block-capped English writing let alone your vChinese" – is a legible list of those words/characters:
lesson:  课 
storage:  存储 
network:  网络 
application:  应用 
physical:  物理 
virtual:  虚拟
virtualization:  虚拟化 
machine:  机 
architecture:  体系结构 
datastore:  数据存储 
private cloud:  私有云 
public cloud:  公有云 
hybrid cloud:  混合云 
availability:  可用性 
ESXi host:  ESXi 主机 
user name:  用户名 
password:  密码 
lab:  练习 
number:  号码 or 数量  (I haven't figured out the difference yet.)
file:  文件 
and:  和 
hypervisor:  虚拟化 管理程序 
synchronized:  同步
Datacenter: 数据中心
Cluster: 集群
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): 主机域名全称 
License key: 许可证密钥
System logs: 统日志
vMotion migration: 迁移??? 
vMotion: 迁移 (confirm)
Virtual machine port groups: 拟机端口组
Uplink ports: 上行链路端口
Virtual switch: 拟交换机
Physical switch: 物理交换机
Physical NIC: 物理网卡 
Virtual NIC: 拟网卡 
Cisco Discovery Protocol: Cisco 发现协议 (CDP)
Listen: 侦听
Broadcast: 广播
Listen and broadcast: 侦听和广播以及
Disabled: 禁用 Time: 时间
Outbound bandwidth: 出站带宽
Load balancing: 负载平衡
Source MAC Hash:  MAC 哈希
IP Hash: IP 哈希
Raw Device Mapping: 原始设备映
IP Address: IP 地址
Software: 软件 
Hardware: 硬件
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP): 质询握手身份验证协议 (CHAP)
Driver: 驱动程序
Third-party Vendors: 第三方供
Most Recently Used (MRU): 最近使用
Fixed: 固定
Round Robin: 
Availability: 可用性 Scalability: 展性
Hard disks: 
Clone: 克隆
Snapshots: 快照
Powered off: 闭时???  闭???
Powered on: 开机 ???    动 ???
Boot options: 导选项
Yes: ???    是的???
Applicable: 适用Not applicable: 不适用
RAM: 内存
Compatible: 兼容的 
Destination: ???
Process: 进程???    流程???
Layer 2 network:  2 层网络
Prefix in front of number to turn cardinal (e.g. 1, 2, 3) to ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd):  
Operating System: 操作系  
Balloon driver: 内存释放驱动程序 (literally “memory release driver”)
 Balloon: 气球
Host-level SSD swap: 主机
Limit: 限制
Shares: 份
Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)一内存访问
Hyperthreading: 超线
Load balancing: 负载平衡
Transparent Page Sharing (TPS): 透明共享
Memory Compression: 内存压缩
Swap file: 交文件
Available memory: 可用内存
NIC teaming: 网卡捆
Multipathing: 多路径
Traffic Shaping: 流量
Resource Pool: 源池
Selected: 选择Deselected: 取消选择
Task Manager: 任管理器
Error: 错误
Warning: 警告
Info: 信息
Verbose: 详细

And for my own reference...

1:  一
2:  二
3:  三
4:  四
5:  五
6:  六
7:  七
8:  八
9:  九
10:  十

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