Здравствуйте from St. Petersburg. What am I doing in Russia? I'm on holiday (translation: That's "vacation" for y'all back home).
I see that my most recent post was about Beijing. That means I'm already behind. A couple weeks ago I was in Tokyo for work. In my off-time, I took lots of photos, but I haven't yet gotten around to posting them. Instead I spent the week between Japan and Russia laid up with a stupid cold, passing a certification exam required for work, and scrambling to get ready for this trip.
I've completed my post-camera editing of the Japan photos. Now I just need to find the time to post them. Today's likely going to be a shorter sightseeing day than yesterday, so I should be able to get to them shortly. Fingers crossed.
In the meantime, if you want to know a bit about what I've been doing this year, take a quick look at my work blog. Don't worry about understanding everything I wrote.